For Her Kind



Longevity   |   Freedom  |   Education

Inside the 1:1 Membership

  • 1:1 virtual coaching designed to build confidence, healthy habits, and hold you accountable towards your goals.
  • A resistance training program customized to your equipment,  lifestyle, and environment. 
  • Custom health and nutrition plans
  • Personalized video check-ins & updates
  • Professional photoshoot prep (optional)
  • Exercise execution analysis and feedback
  • Ongoing support via messaging app offering maximum accountability 
  • Access to a supportive community of like-minded women
  • Education to build sustainable habits and excel after your time with For Her Kind.

1:1 Coaching


the framework that has helped 100+ women go from

questioning their worth

building boundaries & living with confident intention

not knowing where to start with their health goals

falling off track With goals

following a clear path to results & their highest self

staying accountable To building lifestyle habits vs quick fixes

working out 5-7x a week

Confused & Frustrated about nutrition

3 EFFICIENT workouts a week

making educated decisions to better fuel their body

feeling alone with their goals

having a community of like minded, high acheiving women for support & motivation

Through my experience as a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, coupled with my experience as a Certified Personal Trainer for over a decade, I have heard every reason as to why women can't achieve their health goals. Some say it’s due to time constraints. Others say it’s lack of knowledge, motivation, or commitment. And as the social media age has erupted, I’ve had even more women blame their struggles on the excess of information that makes the truth so hard to find. The reality though is that all of these excuses aren’t excuses – they’re the truth.

This is why FHK was created - a system that helps women become the happier, healthier, and more confident version of themselves. A place where women can find balance, joy, and freedom while working towards their best health and physique. This is achieved through 1:1 coaching, accountability, community support, and resources that help them stay motivated and consistent throughout the process.

why we started

Women are busier than they’ve ever been. We’re juggling our social commitments, pursuing our careers, and/or starting and raising families. As we’re pulled in different directions, our time has never been more valuable. That’s why this program places so much emphasis on simplicity and results.

If you’re looking to make physical and mental changes that last a lifetime - and inspire others - For Her Kind is exactly what you’ve been looking for. We are dedicated to helping you cut through the noise and discover what true self love looks like, with support and simplicity. Through clear direction and unwavering support, we ensure that our clients are able to fulfill their goals of becoming the best version of themselves.

By teaching the foundations of movement, training, mindset, and nutrition, we will simplify your path to success. Our mission is for FHK to be your final stop.

MScPT Laura McCabe

Pre & Post Natal Certified Personal Trainer and Yoga Instructor, Counselor, Coach at For Her Kind™.

Pre & Post Natal Certified Personal Trainer, Yoga Instructor, Counselor and, Coach at For Her Kind™.

Christina Tsantsalis

Dr. Caroline Lewis

Licensed Physiotherapist with an Honors Degree in Kinesiology, Coach at For Her Kind™. 

Licensed Physiotherapist with an Honors Degree in Kinesiology, and Coach at For Her Kind™.

Naturopathic and Functional Medicine Doctor, Fertility & Hormone Specialist, and Coach at For Her Kind™.

Naturopathic and Functional Medicine Doctor, Licensed IV Therapist, and Coach at For Her Kind™.

Naturopathic Doctor, Certified Personal Trainer and Yoga Instructor, German New Medicine Teacher, and Founder and Coach at For Her Kind™.

The motivation behind For Her Kind was sparked when I initially started my practice as an ND. I was confined by the classic clinic structure, and simply put, it just wasn’t enough. The consistent feedback and support I knew my patients truly needed to succeed, was lacking. Out of this, FHK was born. 

I wanted to go further than just a 75 minute appointment. My experience training women one-on-one, combined with my  understanding of how the body functions, taught me that to achieve health and physique goals, women need guidance on a customized basis.

Naturopathic Doctor, Certified Personal Trainer and Yoga Instructor, German New Medicine Educator, Founder and Coach at For Her Kind™.

The motivation behind For Her Kind was sparked when I initially started my practice as an ND. I was confined by the classic clinic structure, and simply put, it just wasn’t enough. The consistent feedback and support I knew my patients truly needed to succeed, was lacking. Out of this, FHK was born. 

I wanted to go further than just a 75 minute appointment. My experience training women one-on-one, combined with my  understanding of how the body functions, taught me that to achieve health and physique goals, women need guidance on a customized basis.

Founder, Dr. Alisa DiFruscia

Melanie Glezos


Dr. morgan Ramsay

Masters of Science in Nutrition, Certified Personal Trainer, Coach at For Her Kind™️. 

Naturopathic and Functional Medicine Doctor, Hormone & Fertility Specialist and Coach at For Her Kind™.


Licensed Physiotherapist with an Honors Degree in Kinesiology, and Coach at For Her Kind™.

CPT, Yoga Instructor and Dancer/Choreographer, and Coach at For Her Kind™.


From 4-6 fasted workouts a week to building a custom 3 day schedule of resistance training and learning about her macro needs, Alanna reached a mental and physical place that she never thought was possible.

By learning what is important to her body, schedule, and overall lifestyle, she levelled up to a new found confidence. 

“What you’ve taught me has proven, time after time, that I am in control of the story I write and the results I achieve. You’ve given me the confidence I needed for years”




The biggest change I see in myself aside from my muscle growth is that my mental health has dramatically improved. Strength training and working with FHK fell into my life during the season when I needed it the most.

I was able to navigate that challenging season because of the tools that FHK gave me. Not only did we work on physical strength, Dr. Alisa helped me strengthen my mental wellbeing as well.



Alisa intuitively understands my thoughts, needs and visions. She has helped me to have more patience, to be flexible and to focus on looking at the bigger picture of my fitness and wellbeing goals through systematic tracking and consistency. She truly understands different aspects of health and how these are connected. I love that with Alisa’s support, I have been challenged to change restrictive thought patterns on health and wellbeing;



I've always strived to look like someone else, and when I started FHK, my only goal was to attain "that body". For Years, I was doing HIIT and cardio 7 days a week, kicking myself anytime I ate too much or missed a workout, and was constantly worrying abut how I looked compared to others. 

Now my focus is becoming the happiest, healthiest, and strongest version of myself. This program completely changed my mindset and taught me to focus on the me vs. ms mentality - I'm the only person I should be comparing myself to. 

It's amazing how much my life has changed from shifting my mentality and energy towards loving myself and being proud of what I've achieved. I can actually be present with my family and friends and enjoy myself without working about the "consequences" a meal will have or without feeling self-conscious, and this newfound confidence has found a way into every aspect of my life. 

Alisa is such a positive light and the enery in the FHK community is contagious. She and FHK have bmade me love my body and be confident with myself n a way I never throught was possible. This program has helped me become the best version of myself and I can’t wait to see what the next chapter brings,




“When I look back on when I started this journey, I am most proud that I was able to follow the plan set out for me! I am thrilled with my transformation and have definitely changed my mindset when it comes to food. It is hard to believe that I have lost weight/fat and that I have never eaten more. Before this, I was always hungry, and I thought that was how I would lose weight!

The biggest change I see in myself is my confidence. I not only feel better in my clothes but in my skin! I have more energy and never really have any cravings. I am now starting to see some definition. *For an almost 50 year old, I didn’t think it was possible! But I am proof that it is!!*

Anyone looking to make a change—this is for you. The plan is easy to follow, and the support you receive from Dr. Alisa is amazing. She is always encouraging and cheering you on. With For her Kind you are never alone.

This program focuses on mind, body and soul!

I have learned so much about nutrition, fitness and mindset. Thank you for coaching me to be the best version of myself! I am sincerely grateful and can’t wait to see what the next few weeks bring.”


From HIIT classes and circuit training 6x per week, overtraining and pre-occupied with what class she was going to do next. thank you for everything you have taught me. I can't thank you enough. This journey with you has truly re-shaped my relationship with nutrition, fitness and most importantly with myself. The tools you have given me are invaluable and I will continue to carry them with me and apply them to new goals and lifestyle changes I find myself in.

I am honestly a different person now because of what you do for a living. Im not only worthy enough to feel grateful for the transformations i made in my physique the last few months, but I earned this, this didn't just happen and it feels really good. For the first time in a long time, I’m proud of my body and I don't want to say i've never been happy with my body but this time it felt like I earned it which feels so much better, like really, really good.



I was in a constant battle with myself about my body and mental state before working with Alisa. For me this program has gone far beyond the physical changes I have made, but also the mental changes.

If you are looking for a lifestyle change and are willing to put the work in, then this program will forever change you. I feel like I have found a new purpose for myself and am no longer spinning my tires when it comes to my physical and mental health. 




The thing that I’m most proud of throughout my journey with FHK is finally feeling at peace with my body. Instead of the constant fight with weight, insecurities and negative thoughts on repeat, I learned strategies to be kind to my myself and my body. Getting the education on exactly how to properly fuel my training and constant support to fully commit to a long-term process vs. the endless “quick-fixes”, changed my entire mindset about exercise and how I feel in my own skin. 

What’s the biggest change you see in yourself?

Bar none - confidence. Regardless of the physical changes, the inherent belief that I am mentally and physically resilient and capable of really hard things (shoutout to hack squats 🫠), exudes confidence into every other aspect of my life. 



“Who is she?!”, was a phrase I said over and over every time I was surprised by my own physical and mental achievements. This new version was a stranger to me, but the more she showed up the more I wanted her around.. I will for ever (and ever) be thankful for @dr.alisa.nd My trainer/naturopath/life coach/ psychologist/nutritionist/ virtual BFF. WE DID IT!

Get ready to change your life. There are too many life altering things to list them all but here are a few… I’ve always been confident, but the mindset shift through having the proper tools and support in training, nutrition, overall wellness and having @dr.alisa.nd talk me off the ledge many times, truly took my confidence to another level. And for that, I will forever be thankful to this program.

Like Nike, just do it. The best investment you can make is an investment in yourself.



With Alisa’s guidance and her plan tailored to me, I have reached a body composition I am fully confident in and extremely proud of. I have lost about 15 lbs off my scale weight, which is a combination of losing body fat and gaining muscle. I feel like the strongest, most confident and beautiful version of myself and this has transcended every aspect of my life. My closest friends and family have noticed these changes as well, both physical and emotional/mental. I would absolutely recommend this program to anyone who is looking to get long term results as it has vastly exceeded my expectations and is truly life changing – I can’t thank Alisa enough!



I feel like I’ve fallen in love with myself again over the last year. I feel at home in my own body. I look in the mirror and I love the person I see. THAT has been the biggest change, I look in the mirror and want to give myself a hug because I’m just so proud of who I’ve become. I am not a victim to my environment, but rather everything in my world is an extension of me.

I am most proud of myself for my dedication to the process. So many times over the years I have stopped only to have to re-start again. While I still have bumps in the road, I find I am able to bounce back quicker and I am kinder to myself when I'm not 100% adherent. I am just proud of loving myself enough to put forward all this effort into myself to care of and love myself. 



Alisa was an anchor for me in the hardest year and transition of my life. She held my hand through the days I didn’t want to show up and walked me out as a version of myself I’d never met before.

I’m proud of the commitment I made to myself and to Alisa, the healthy rituals around getting strong, the long walks where I’ve contemplated how I got here, the confidence that beams out of me, and the relationships I created with women that are choosing a healthier life too. That’s something to be proud of.  

I came for the body of my dreams but I stayed with Forherkind because of the amazing community of women Alisa has created. Alisa is not only an amazing couch but now a lifelong friend.