About For Her Kind

At For Her Kind, we empower women to become the happiest, healthiest, and most confident versions of themselves through personalized coaching, accountability, and community support. Founded by a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine and Certified Personal Trainer, our program addresses the real challenges women face, from time constraints to information overload. We focus on simplicity and results, teaching the foundations of movement, training, mindset, and nutrition to ensure lasting success.

Meet Our Coaches

MScPT Laura McCabe

Pre & Post Natal Certified Personal Trainer and Yoga Instructor, Counselor, Coach at For Her Kind™.

Pre & Post Natal Certified Personal Trainer, Yoga Instructor, Counselor and, Coach at For Her Kind™.

Christina Tsantsalis

Dr. Caroline Lewis

Licensed Physiotherapist with an Honors Degree in Kinesiology, Coach at For Her Kind™. 

Licensed Physiotherapist with an Honors Degree in Kinesiology, and Coach at For Her Kind™.

Naturopathic and Functional Medicine Doctor, Fertility & Hormone Specialist and Coach at For Her Kind™.

Naturopathic and Functional Medicine Doctor, Licensed IV Therapist, and Coach at For Her Kind™.

Naturopathic Doctor, Certified Personal Trainer and Yoga Instructor, German New Medicine Teacher, and Founder and Coach at For Her Kind™.

The motivation behind For Her Kind was sparked when I initially started my practice as an ND. I was confined by the classic clinic structure, and simply put, it just wasn’t enough. The consistent feedback and support I knew my patients truly needed to succeed, was lacking. Out of this, FHK was born. 

I wanted to go further than just a 75 minute appointment. My experience training women one-on-one, combined with my  understanding of how the body functions, taught me that to achieve health and physique goals, women need guidance on a customized basis.

There is so much noise in the health and wellness industry, that it’s tough to understand what’s real and where to focus your attention. It’s my mission to teach women that they are not “broken” and that they can have the results they desire by providing evidence-based programs to equip women with the tools they need to achieve more than just a number on the scale. My favorite part is that the physical results are just the tip of the iceberg.

When we work together, I’ll help you make changes that will last a lifetime.

Naturopathic Doctor, Certified Personal Trainer and Yoga Instructor, German New Medicine Educator, Founder and Coach at For Her Kind™.

The motivation behind For Her Kind was sparked when I initially started my practice as an ND. I was confined by the classic clinic structure, and simply put, it just wasn’t enough. The consistent feedback and support I knew my patients truly needed to succeed, was lacking. Out of this, FHK was born. 

I wanted to go further than just a 75 minute appointment. My experience training women one-on-one, combined with my  understanding of how the body functions, taught me that to achieve health and physique goals, women need guidance on a customized basis.

Founder, Dr. Alisa DiFruscia

Melanie Glezos


Dr. morgan Ramsay

Masters of Science in Nutrition, Certified Personal Trainer, Coach at For Her Kind™️. 

Naturopathic and Functional Medicine Doctor, Hormone & Fertility Specialist and Coach at For Her Kind™.

apply to work 1:1 here

Licensed Physiotherapist with an Honors Degree in Kinesiology, and Coach at For Her Kind™.

CPT, Yoga Instructor and Dancer/Choreographer, and Coach at For Her Kind™.

In my role at For Her Kind, I help women feel more beautiful, strong and healthy. This can truly only be done when we start from the inside, and slowly work our way out. Through my Naturopathic education, Neuroscience background, as well as personal and clinical experience - I’ve come to realize the power of mindset, and how our self-talk manifests externally.

By teaching women to create a healthy connection between movement, nourishment, and mindfulness, I help them understand that the variables they have control over are powerful enough to radically change their lives for the better.

All Of the knowledge and resources I’ve gained have helped me drastically improve my gut health, and in doing so, opened my eyes to taking a 360 degree approach to my overall wellbeing. This is a pivotal perspective I bring to the For Her Kind team and every client who I have the privilege of coaching.

Let’s work together and start the best chapter of your life!

My goal is to support my clients and educate them on the importance of working towards their goals at the right pace.

Attending fitness classes every day of the week and restricting yourself from everything you enjoy will just lead to burnout, so I want to teach you the importance of nutrition, mindfulness, and rest.

After overcoming my own battle with disordered eating, I’ve made it my mission to help heal other women’s relationships with food and fitness. After working with For Her Kind as a client, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to help spread a system that truly makes a difference in women’s lives.

Let’s work together so you can restore your belief in yourself and become empowered by what you see in the mirror!

I have always had a genuine desire to help others which is what led me to become a physiotherapist. I love the human connection that is made when you become part of someone’s journey towards recovery or a certain goal.

Physiotherapy and coaching are very similar – they both require a holistic approach. This requires considering not just someone’s physical goals but also addressing factors like lifestyle, mental well-being, and social support in order to create an individualized plan. This is what FHK does and why I felt so inspired to join the team.

I want to blend my knowledge of human movement, training, and nutrition to help guide women through the highs and lows of pursuing their goals so that they can arrive with a soft landing.  My ultimate goal is to help women to find a balance in their lives so they can move well, move often, look and feel good without sacrificing the things they enjoy.

Since my diagnosis of type 1 diabetes at the age of 12, I always knew my purpose was to be in the health and wellness world. It led me to pursue my passion of nutrition and naturopathic medicine, where I learnt just how impactful diet and lifestyle could be when seeking optimal health. 

Even though at the time it felt like I had everything nailed down to a science, it now feels like I had barely scratched the surface. 
I had always previously prescribed to the typical narrative of carbs being “bad” for blood sugar and weight gain, that aerobic exercise was the only way to keep things in check, and that being constantly fatigued was just something I had to live with. Although standard medical advice wasn’t necessarily wrong, it left me feeling restricted, exhausted and like I was never doing “enough”.

It truly wasn’t until I joined For Her Kind as a client, that my eyes opened to what my body and mind were truly capable of. It forced me to take an unbiased view of the practices in my life that weren’t serving me, and push me entirely out of my comfort zone to challenge me in ways that I didn’t know I needed. 

As a naturopathic doctor focused in supporting women, my goal is to seamlessly integrate nutrition, hormonal health and strength training, and show you just how inherently capable you are. That is what I want for you as the newest Coach at For Her Kind. I want to empower you to take radical responsibility for your own health, both mentally and physically, and support you to become the strongest, happiest version of yourself.

I have had a passion for nutrition and fitness since my teenage years. At the beginning of my journey, I was able to take the standard health & fitness advice to achieve a result, however over time it began to work against me. I was always chasing the latest trendy workout and experienced chronic fatigue.

My true journey began when I started working with For Her Kind™️ as a client where I learned to improve my relationship with exercise, food and most importantly with
myself. My personal experience sparked interest in obtaining further education on sustainable and evidence-based body composition and lifestyle change. I now pass my knowledge on to others who are stuck in the same cycle I’d found myself in. I help women focus their attention on what truly matters for their physique, health, and longevity goals.

My goal as a coach is to educate, empower and provide the necessary tools for women to train, eat and live all while feeling their best!

As a professional dancer, I've always been passionate about movement and the incredible potential of the human body.

Having experienced the transformative effects of women empowering women firsthand at For Her Kind, I am now passionate about perpetuating that feeling as a coach. My journey has taught me that our bodies are capable of so much more than we often realize, and I'm committed to guiding others on a path of discovery and empowerment.

My mission is to guide women through training with purpose, unraveling the complexities of fitness, and ensuring each movement aligns with their personal goals.

Together, let's build strength, embrace movement, and unlock your full potential.